Body Acupuncture
We all have our personal histories and the same goes for our health. Taking this into account these imbalances can slow down our recovery after a serious injury, emotional stress, or illness. As a result, there will often be times when we will also use body acupuncture to address these underlying imbalances that can be slowing your progress. The selection of these points will draw from Traditional Chinese medicine patterns and diagnoses and used to help speed up and aid in recovery.
Western medicine often falls short when it comes to treating women’s health concerns. You have a right to be heard and to participate in your own health and get relief from your anxiety and pain.
Acupuncture is shown to treat and wide range of very common problems that women face. By balancing the hormones and stimulating the release of endorphins and serotonin it can greatly help with conditions such as; Dysmenorrhea (painful periods and cramping) , Amenorrhea (absence of periods), Irregular periods, Heavy bleeding or spotting, PMS, Endometriosis, Fibroids and cysts, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Headaches & Migraines, Hormonal acne, Night sweats, and hot flashes.
We are firm believers that our digestive health is the cornerstone to overall health and is at the heart of many health problems. We also believe that poor digestion can lead to other heath conditions, and at the root of many of these conditions is inflammation. Acupuncture is an effective way to reduce any inflammation, improve digestive activity, promote healing of the gut and help maintain a healthy system.
“According to statements of fact in Chinese medicine, any tissue or system of the body requires the nourishment of blood to perform its normal function. If a traumatic injury causes blood stasis and stagnation of qi to an area of the brain, fresh blood cannot circulate to nourish that area. This situation will commonly be complicated by whatever other patterns patients have presented prior to their trauma.”