vaginal steaming
The vaginal steam also called the v-steam or yoni steam is a tradition that has been used all over the world for women's health and passed from mothers to daughter, from midwives to new mothers, grand mothers to daughters. With the use of herbal infused steam the vagina, the organs are given a soothing bath that can clean, revive, sooth and lift. The idea is fairly simple but the results can truly be spectacular.
Vaginal Steaming has been a tradition on every continent as a way for women to maintain their own health and fertility
How it works
Simply put you sit overtop a pot of steaming herbs while covered in a cozy wrap and let the herbs drift up and coat your organs. The herbs and frequency are chosen by your provider and developed for your specific menstrual history and conditions. And what pray tell is happening as a result of the steam? Circulation improves. The steam penetrates cells cleaning deeply. The steam also directly touches the cervix and gets through the cervical opening into the uterus. It softens scar tissue, moisturizes and tones skin tissue, clears out uterine stagnation improving normal uterine function. It also Resets the vaginal microbiome and stimulates the healthy bacteria defense mechanism. Finally, the steam helps reset normal hormone function, and may stimulate oxytocin release.
What does one use the v-steam for?
Most commonly, vaginal steaming is used by midwives for postpartum care right after a woman has a baby to help with healing, to clean, and to help lift the organs. Steaming is also used as a hygienic post-period practice. The practice helps to remove left-over blood out of the vaginal tract once the period is over. Lastly, vaginal steaming is used to treat a variety of gynecological problems. Some of the conditions included are cramps, trouble conceiving, infections such as BV and yeast infections, fibroids, cysts, and dryness...vaginal steaming can help to naturally resolve these problems.
Why shouldn’t I steam?
There are really only a few reasons why you shouldn’t steam and those are pretty simple. 1) If you are pregnant or could possibly be pregnant. 2) If you are ovulating and are trying to conceive 3) If you have an active infection however with the correct herbs there are certain types of infections that can be helped with steaming. 4) If you are actively bleeding during menses or after birth, depending on the level of bleeding steaming may still be indicated 5) If you have active blisters or sores
If you have any questions about if you should steam or not talking with your steam professional and they can help you decide.