Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture beautiful skin

What is cosmetic Facial acupuncture?

Cosmetic facial acupuncture, also called facial rejuvenation, is the practice of using and applying very fine acupuncture needles to specific areas of the face, facial diagnosis and traditional Asian practices to improve the over all appearance of the face. It does so by not only treating the outward appearance but also by addressing the internal imbalances that can cause premature aging.

Treatment consist of placing very fine needles in various areas of the face to influence the dermis of the skin, where elastin and collagen are produced. The treatments can improve the appearance by promoting qi and blood circulation, reducing muscle tension, improving muscle tone, increasing skin elasticity and possibly increasing moisture by clearing heat i.e. inflammation. In addition to treating the face body points and constitutional diagnosis will be combined as part of the treatment, so you can think of it as two treatments in one. Threating both outward appearance and the internal causes. After the needles have been removed a herbal infused oil or essential oil will be applied followed by either jade roller or gua sha to relax and calm the skin and leave the skin feeling rejuvenated.

What results can i expect cosmetically?

  • Improvement of complexation overall -plumper, brighter and tighter skin

  • Improved elasticity

  • Decrease in fine lines and wrinkles

  • Leveling out of deeper wrinkles

  • Improvement in beginning of jowls

  • Reduction of puffiness

  • Improvement of acne and rosacea

  • Can treat bells palsy

  • Fade age spots

    OTHER BENEFITS Reported after cosmetic facial aupuncture treatment

  • Less anxiety

  • Improvement in mild depression symptoms

  • Less hot flashes

  • Improved digestion

  • More energy

  • Over all feeling more rejuvenated

How many treatments do i need?

The recommendation for a full course of facial acupuncture is 1-2x week for a total of 10 visits. This protocol allows the the collagen and elastin matrix time to rebuild, which takes 4-5 weeks, and as result giving the treatment more staying power. Follow up visits are recommended every 6-12 weeks depending on the individual and their constitution.

Can i get just one treatment?

Of course! You can get Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture just once if you want, but the results will be less dramatic and won't last as long as doing a full course of treatment. As mentioned above it takes around 5 weeks to affect the dermis, which is what causes dramatic and lasting results.

Are there any side effects?

Cosmetic Facial acupuncture is both safe and gentle requires no downtime after treatment. Unlike some of the more invasive cosmetic procedures it is a chemical-free, natural approach to anti-aging, without the side effects, risks and downtime. Most patients do not experience any complications. With that said, a small amount of bleeding, bruising or puffiness may occasionally occur. This isn't common, and we've trained extensively to minimize bruising. However, it's always a possibility. Most clients walk out glowing.

who should not have cosmetic acupuncture?

Yes, if you are pregnant, have had botox recently, or if you get migraines/chronic headaches, then it's not the right time to receive facial acupuncture.

can i still recieve facial acupuncture if i have botox or filler?

Yes absolutely, however it is recommend to wait 4 weeks post-botox-treatment to get facial acupuncture.

how much does a treament cost?

The price is $125 for a single facial acupuncture treatment.