Becoming Mama Boost Your Fertility Naturally
I am pleased to be sharing a great fertility program with all you out there wanting to start families. It is called Becoming Mama.
A fun, effective, 10 day online program to boost your fertility with proven, natural, evidence-based strategies, all in one place, from the comfort of your home. Developed and presented by Katie Altneu licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and fertility expert.
When I was going through school I never thought of myself as a fertility practitioner or having much interest in women’s heath, despite being one. At the time it just wasn’t something that interested me. Once I got out of school I had a baby girl of my own and the opportunity to work with on of Denver’s leading acupuncturist, herbalist, and fertility experts. Guess what.....Fertility & Women’s Heath is sooo cool!! I mean seriously our biology is amazing.
While working at her office with different woman and their fertility issues it became pretty obvious that trying to connive can be an emotionally charged time in a persons life. A lot of time these women are coming in with a Dr.s voice in the back of their head telling them that they will never have a baby, that they are too old, their problems don’t have a solution, they need to relax and just not try so hard. They come in feeling deflated, hopeless, powerless and like they they have no control. Well, I can tell you that that just isn’t the case. There is so much that you can do on your own to boost your fertility and even reverse some of these conditions that doctors say have no cure. Conditions like PCOS, poor egg quality, poor sperm motility, ovulation problems and irregular menstruation, just to name a few, can be reversed, promoted and regulated with acupuncture, diet, supplements and exercise! The really beautiful thing about this is that there are a ton of things that you can do at home on your own to get your body moving on the right track to housing a wonderful little life form.
This is where the Becoming Mama Program come into play. This program, which I took myself, walks you through exactly what to do to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Katie, who developed this course has done all the research for you and all her recommendations are evidence based and backed by science and studies.
So click here and learn more about this awesome program. It is short, fun, and most of all effective!