Posts tagged acupuncture denver
Acupuncture for Managing Anxiety and Depression in Recovery

Recovering from addiction is a challenging journey, often accompanied by intense emotions like anxiety and depression. Traditional therapies, including counseling and medication, play a significant role, but many people find additional relief through complementary treatments in the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. With this in mind, let's explore the benefits of acupuncture for managing anxiety and depression in recovery.

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Enhance Your Fertility: Five Essential Tips for a Successful Conception Journey

In my practice I love working with women and helping them with health issues like menstrual cycle problems, hormonal issues, emotional stress and menopause. But one issue that I find especially interesting is fertility. I had the honor and privilege of being taught and working with one of Denver’s top fertility experts at The Point Acupuncture Clinic. In my work there I found a love of women’s health and the beauty of our complicated systems. So I decided that I would share five tips that I have learned and that can make a big difference in your fertility and your chances of conceiving.

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Understandin Pulse Diagnosis in Acupuncture.

Have you ever wondered why acupuncturist take your pulse on both sides? Or why it feels like they are playing a mini piano on your wrist when they are feel your pulse? It is because the pulse in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other East Asian practices is so much more then just rate and strength. It is a direct line of communication between what the Qi (energy) of your body is doing and how well it is traveling through your system. 

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Becoming Mama Boost Your Fertility Naturally

I am pleased to be sharing a great fertility program with all you out there wanting to start families. It is called Becoming Mama

A fun, effective, 10 day online program to boost your fertility with proven, natural, evidence-based strategies, all in one place, from the comfort of your home. Developed and presented by Katie Altneu licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and fertility expert.

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Prebiotics VS Probiotics

Let's talk about probiotics vs prebiotic. How are they different and is one more important than the other?

Let's start with prebiotics. I feel as though prebiotics are probably the lesser known of the two. Probiotics have been talked a lot about in the media and probably by even mentioned by your doctor but prebiotics are just as important.

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Auricular Acupuncture aka Ear Acupuncture-What's That Good For?

What exactly is ear acupuncture and what the heck is it good for?

The body never ceases to amaze and every day we continue to discover this in more and more detail. We also continue to reaffirm that the whole body is connected. We also confirming that in order to have the best healing outcomes we need to address the whole and not just the parts.

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Early puberty in girls- What are the risk factors & a TCM view

Recently a friend of my called me distressed because her 9 year old daughter was showing the signs of starting her period. Her mom was obviously concerned because 9 years old is very young to be starting your menstrual cycle and in addition there are studies showing that early puberty is linked to other health conditions later in life. She was further puzzled because her daughter isn’t exposed to or meet most of the risk factors that are often attributed to early menses in girls. She isn’t obese, she isn’t exposed to a lot of environmental toxins, she isn’t impoverished or malnourished, she has a nutritious, well balanced diet… what could it be?

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Dosing acupuncture treatments-How many treatments will I need?

One of the most common question that comes up during treatment is, “How many treatments is this going to take?” Although everyone is different and every person’s situations, concerns, cases and lifestyles are different there are some general rule of thumb when considering the number of treatments that are recommended. You can think of this like medicine. We need the right dose, for you to take it at the right times and for the correct length of time to see the best results.

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Are You Sleeping? Part I Western Classifications of Insomnia

Sleep is a topic that hits close to home for me. I have struggled with insomnia and sleep issues for many many years. I know I am not alone either. Thousands and thousands of people have complaints about sleep. It may be difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, sleep quality or quantity. 

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What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Help Me With?

TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) including acupuncture is a whole system of medicine that includes body, mind and spirit. Because of this all encompassing point of view it can address a wide range of health concerns.

So I thought it might be fun to go through some top five- Top 5 best know things it can address, Top 5 lesser known and Top 5 possible surprises

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Learning How to Relax. What is Sympathetic Overload?

Recently I have had the privilege of working with an increased number of people coming in with the diagnosis of “sympathetic overload.” And though Chinese medicine doesn’t often concern itself with a western medical diagnosis to treat a condition most people who come in with a problem are concerned with their diagnosis and what, as an acupuncturist, I can do to help them. So even though I know for a fact that acupuncture works on the nervous system I wasn’t super aware of this term sympathetic overload. So as with may of my blog post it starts as a need for information and then grows into a need to share information.

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Let's talk Kombucha

I wanted to talk about Kombucha. I love it! I just recently added some new tea to feed my own home brew and got to thinking that it might be a fun thing to write a blog post about. My scoby sits on my counter looking like some kind of space alien. It quietly sits in its jar eating the surgery tea and breathing outs its little microbial breath which I happily drink.

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