Posts in Preventitve Care
Finding Calm Amid the Holiday Chaos: How Acupuncture and Holistic Care Can Help

The holiday season has arrived and for the most part it is a time of joy, celebration, and connection. But for many of us, it can also bring with it stress, overwhelm, and even feelings of burnout or sadness. Between endless to-do lists, social obligations, and financial pressures, missing loved ones far or no longer with us, it’s no surprise that holiday stress impacts mental and physical well-being.

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Recipe Share- Seasonal Wellness: A Healing Mushroom Broth Recipe for Cold Weather

As the crisp air of fall gives way to the chill of winter, it’s the perfect time to nourish your body and soul with seasonal support. One of my favorite ways to stay warm and boost immunity during this seasonal transition is with a delicious, nutrient-packed mushroom broth.

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Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Massage

Stress and anxiety are inevitable parts of our lives. We all face tough times filled with worry and tension, and often we don't do much to address the root problems. Some of us turn to medication and healthcare professionals, but mental health issues can be persistent. That’s why it's crucial to explore all options, including the mental health benefits of regular massage.

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Wellness For The 9-5

Many of us have corporate jobs or “9-5s” as a means of survival in capitalistic society. Bills need to be paid, health insurance is paramount, and/or there are people who depend on our income for their survival. While we may have to keep these jobs for one reason or another, it doesn’t mean we have to tie our identity alongside it. When we meet someone new, we always get the question “what do you do?” and then we continue to introduce ourselves or define ourselves by our job. While it’s quite normal to make work your life or something you highly identify with, what if we radically think about who we are outside of our work? As humans, we’re meant to be in community, to BE instead of DO, to connect, to love and to serve. This part of our nature conflicts with modern society and the capitalistic world we live in today. 

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Thinking about the Fourth Trimester and its importance.

Starting a family is a monumental decision, transforming your life in countless ways. From the journey of trying to conceive, through the rollercoaster of pregnancy, to the exhilarating yet daunting experience of delivery, each stage is a whirlwind of decisions and emotions. It's overwhelming. However…

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Benefits of Facial Gua Sha by Tori Paide

Every woman ( and possibly man) is looking for the proverbial fountain of youth. After treating hundreds of women battling acne, wrinkles, and aging for years, we've come to realize there is no magic pill for skincare that will heal your skin overnight. Skincare is all about consistency.

We can't stress enough the importance of a skincare routine. Give your face some TLC daily, and your skin will thank you for years to come. 

Skincare routines do not need to be complicated. In fact, the easier, the better. 

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Using Acupuncture as a tool to stay well, not just a fix for problems

I wanted to talk about something that I think a lot of people forget or don’t even know about acupuncture, and that is how GREAT it is for keeping you well! Did you know that at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine is prevention?

“Maintaining order rather then correcting disorder is the ultimate principle of wisdom. To cure disease after it has appeared is like digging a well when one already feels thirsty, or forging weapons after the war has begun.” Nie Jing-2nd Century B.C.

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Cupping Therapy 101

Chinese medical saying, “Where there’s stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the stagnation, and you remove the pain.” In this case stagnation means “stuck” QI, blood, lymph, phlegm or essential fluids. When any of these substances is no longer free flowing the result is pain. So first and foremost the goal of cupping is to help remove this stagnation or obstruction.

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Dosing acupuncture treatments-How many treatments will I need?

One of the most common question that comes up during treatment is, “How many treatments is this going to take?” Although everyone is different and every person’s situations, concerns, cases and lifestyles are different there are some general rule of thumb when considering the number of treatments that are recommended. You can think of this like medicine. We need the right dose, for you to take it at the right times and for the correct length of time to see the best results.

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Is Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture An Alternative To Botox?

I think it is safe to say that we are all a little interested in looking younger and feeling our best. One of the first signs of aging is our skin. We start to notice those little fine lines, some wrinkles here and there, the texture and luster of our skin may change. But what can we do to slow the hands of time? We can change our diets, drink more water and adopt skin care routines, all of which are very important for taking care of bodies largest organ, but what are our options for treating those areas that have already shown up?

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What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Help Me With?

TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) including acupuncture is a whole system of medicine that includes body, mind and spirit. Because of this all encompassing point of view it can address a wide range of health concerns.

So I thought it might be fun to go through some top five- Top 5 best know things it can address, Top 5 lesser known and Top 5 possible surprises

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Coming Down to Earth-The Science Behind Earthing & How it Can Help Improve Health

In my quest for calm and repair of my own nervous system I came across Earthing or grounding again. I had heard of this practice but hadn’t really dove into the science behind it. I mean it does sound a bit hokey, “ Earthing.” However, when you look past the name and learn a bit more about what’s happening it makes sense. At its heart Earthing is getting back to the most basic of basic principles-reconnecting to the energy of earth to balance your body. They way our human ancestors we always doing.

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Setting Healthy Boundaries Both Postpartum and in Life.

In my previous blog post I touched on setting boundaries when discussing emotional health, but I wanted to dive into it deeper because it is important for your health, your partner's health and babies health. The amount of change that is coming to your world is huge and one of the best ways to ease into that is setting up some boundaries. This will allow for bonding with baby, self care for momma and direction for papa or partner on how to be helpful and involved. Boundaries will also help your friends and loved ones understand where they can help and when it may be too much. You may be wondering how will I know what my limits are?

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What spring means for your health!

I don’t know about you but I have been long awaiting its arrival. Back in January I began my garden dreaming pretty hardcore and haven’t let up since. What am I going to plant? Where am I going to plant it this year? How will I keep the dog out of the plants? How will I amend the soil this year? Do I need a new shovel? I could keep you here forever, but along with those daydreams of the spring to come also came thoughts of what spring means to Traditional Chinese Medicine and what that may mean for my clients and their health.

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