Learn how to make informed decisions about budgeting for self-care in a world where everything feels expensive. Discover the difference between luxury and investment when it comes to wellness practices like acupuncture, and get practical tips on prioritizing your health without breaking the bank.
Read MoreMany of us have corporate jobs or “9-5s” as a means of survival in capitalistic society. Bills need to be paid, health insurance is paramount, and/or there are people who depend on our income for their survival. While we may have to keep these jobs for one reason or another, it doesn’t mean we have to tie our identity alongside it. When we meet someone new, we always get the question “what do you do?” and then we continue to introduce ourselves or define ourselves by our job. While it’s quite normal to make work your life or something you highly identify with, what if we radically think about who we are outside of our work? As humans, we’re meant to be in community, to BE instead of DO, to connect, to love and to serve. This part of our nature conflicts with modern society and the capitalistic world we live in today.
Read MoreIn my quest for calm and repair of my own nervous system I came across Earthing or grounding again. I had heard of this practice but hadn’t really dove into the science behind it. I mean it does sound a bit hokey, “ Earthing.” However, when you look past the name and learn a bit more about what’s happening it makes sense. At its heart Earthing is getting back to the most basic of basic principles-reconnecting to the energy of earth to balance your body. They way our human ancestors we always doing.
Read MoreIn my previous blog post I touched on setting boundaries when discussing emotional health, but I wanted to dive into it deeper because it is important for your health, your partner's health and babies health. The amount of change that is coming to your world is huge and one of the best ways to ease into that is setting up some boundaries. This will allow for bonding with baby, self care for momma and direction for papa or partner on how to be helpful and involved. Boundaries will also help your friends and loved ones understand where they can help and when it may be too much. You may be wondering how will I know what my limits are?
Read MoreRecently I have been working with a lot of brad new mama’s, which is super exciting and also got me thinking about women’s bodies post labor and all the things big and small that go through changes. This also got me thinking about how it would have been nice to know what to expect. I mean no one told me how my sweat would turn into this awful foul smelling mess. I mean I have to wear deodorant now! Thanks kid. So lets dive in a touch on some of the lovely and not so lovely things to expect with your body once the little bundle has arrived.
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