Posts tagged Wellness
Finding Calm Amid the Holiday Chaos: How Acupuncture and Holistic Care Can Help

The holiday season has arrived and for the most part it is a time of joy, celebration, and connection. But for many of us, it can also bring with it stress, overwhelm, and even feelings of burnout or sadness. Between endless to-do lists, social obligations, and financial pressures, missing loved ones far or no longer with us, it’s no surprise that holiday stress impacts mental and physical well-being.

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Is Self-Care a Luxury or an Investment in Wellness?

Learn how to make informed decisions about budgeting for self-care in a world where everything feels expensive. Discover the difference between luxury and investment when it comes to wellness practices like acupuncture, and get practical tips on prioritizing your health without breaking the bank.

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Wellness For The 9-5

Many of us have corporate jobs or “9-5s” as a means of survival in capitalistic society. Bills need to be paid, health insurance is paramount, and/or there are people who depend on our income for their survival. While we may have to keep these jobs for one reason or another, it doesn’t mean we have to tie our identity alongside it. When we meet someone new, we always get the question “what do you do?” and then we continue to introduce ourselves or define ourselves by our job. While it’s quite normal to make work your life or something you highly identify with, what if we radically think about who we are outside of our work? As humans, we’re meant to be in community, to BE instead of DO, to connect, to love and to serve. This part of our nature conflicts with modern society and the capitalistic world we live in today. 

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