Hormonal shifts disrupt emotions, energy, and sleep patterns. Many women experience depression during menopause, feeling trapped in an emotional cycle. That does not need to control daily life—a strong routine, movement, and diet impact brain chemistry. Even acupuncture treatments offer relief by stimulating the nervous system. Mental health deserves attention, and strategies exist to navigate this phase.
Read MoreThe holiday season has arrived and for the most part it is a time of joy, celebration, and connection. But for many of us, it can also bring with it stress, overwhelm, and even feelings of burnout or sadness. Between endless to-do lists, social obligations, and financial pressures, missing loved ones far or no longer with us, it’s no surprise that holiday stress impacts mental and physical well-being.
Read MoreStress and anxiety are inevitable parts of our lives. We all face tough times filled with worry and tension, and often we don't do much to address the root problems. Some of us turn to medication and healthcare professionals, but mental health issues can be persistent. That’s why it's crucial to explore all options, including the mental health benefits of regular massage.
Read MoreObviously birth control is a huge topic and it can be discussed from many different angles. Today I really wanted to just pose a couple different questions. “Why am I using my particular method and how it is making me feel.” Which lends itself to, “Do I actually know how I feel without it.”
In my work with women’s heath I am seeing more and more young women who are exploring going off of birth control for the first time.
Read MoreMany of us have corporate jobs or “9-5s” as a means of survival in capitalistic society. Bills need to be paid, health insurance is paramount, and/or there are people who depend on our income for their survival. While we may have to keep these jobs for one reason or another, it doesn’t mean we have to tie our identity alongside it. When we meet someone new, we always get the question “what do you do?” and then we continue to introduce ourselves or define ourselves by our job. While it’s quite normal to make work your life or something you highly identify with, what if we radically think about who we are outside of our work? As humans, we’re meant to be in community, to BE instead of DO, to connect, to love and to serve. This part of our nature conflicts with modern society and the capitalistic world we live in today.
Read MoreThe postpartum period is a very exciting, terrifying and overwhelming period. This time is one of healing, learning and physical emotional exhaustion. And, as we should, we often use this time to focus on momma and baby. We think of their needs, their healing and comfort. What is often overlooked is daddy or co-parent needs. This post is focusing on awareness around the postpartum time for dads and partners. Daddy blues and partner postpartum depression is a very real and important thing to address so lets talk about it.
Read MoreHave you heard an acu-nap?
An acu-nap is the extra deep sleep you get in a short period of time during your acupuncture treatment.
Read MoreI recently had a really wonderful discussion with one of my clients about his progress and transformation since he has started acupuncture. He shared with me about how a huge piece of his progress has been a very positive and subtle change in his mental health.
Read MoreThe western medical views of insomnia and sleep difficulty is very different from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Western medicine pretty much has two avenues eliminate a physical reason and then its usually labeled as stress, anxiety or depression and is treated with sleeping pills and antidepressants. TCM it is much more then that and the reasons aren’t categorized that easily because each person is unique and individual.
Read MoreSleep is a topic that hits close to home for me. I have struggled with insomnia and sleep issues for many many years. I know I am not alone either. Thousands and thousands of people have complaints about sleep. It may be difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, sleep quality or quantity.
Read MoreIn my previous blog post I touched on setting boundaries when discussing emotional health, but I wanted to dive into it deeper because it is important for your health, your partner's health and babies health. The amount of change that is coming to your world is huge and one of the best ways to ease into that is setting up some boundaries. This will allow for bonding with baby, self care for momma and direction for papa or partner on how to be helpful and involved. Boundaries will also help your friends and loved ones understand where they can help and when it may be too much. You may be wondering how will I know what my limits are?
Read MoreOver the next few posts we will be talking about emotional health and strategies to keep in touch with our mental health. Todays topic is emotional health and changes postpartum.
This is a big topic and one that I want to spend some time with. Pregnancy and birth require so much of us physically and mentally and both aspects require attention and both are equally important. I want to emphasize how valid and important it is to meet your emotional needs during this postpartum period.
Read MoreDo you have a case of the grumpies? Do you have trouble with irritability and frustration? For all you men out there do you struggle with erectile dysfunction or libido problems? Ladies do you have menstrual problems or are struggling with menopause?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions or even a few of these questions it may be the result of what I like to call a grumpy liver. In traditional Chinese medicine these all can be signs of an imbalance in the energetics of your liver system.
Read MoreI wanted to ask if you or someone you know struggles with ADD or ADHD? In my work with veterans I have found that many of them struggle with one of these conditions but, they also struggle with the idea that they are bound to medications to manage their symptoms. So while working with them using acupuncture I made a little take home sheet of acupressure points that c
Read MoreLast year was our first season in the community garden, which is literally right beside our apartment. Up to that point, I will admit that I never really felt like I was home in our apartment and we have been in it for a few years now. As soon as my daughter and I started working in our garden plot, pardon my cheesiness, but something more than plants began to grow. A new sense of home began to develop for me.
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