Posts tagged mental health
Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Massage

Stress and anxiety are inevitable parts of our lives. We all face tough times filled with worry and tension, and often we don't do much to address the root problems. Some of us turn to medication and healthcare professionals, but mental health issues can be persistent. That’s why it's crucial to explore all options, including the mental health benefits of regular massage.

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Emotional Health & Postpartum Changes

Over the next few posts we will be talking about emotional health and strategies to keep in touch with our mental health. Todays topic is emotional health and changes postpartum.

This is a big topic and one that I want to spend some time with. Pregnancy and birth require so much of us physically and mentally and both aspects require attention and both are equally important. I want to emphasize how valid and important it is to meet your emotional needs during this postpartum period.

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Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Let It Grow!

Last year was our first season in the community garden, which is literally right beside our apartment. Up to that point, I will admit that I never really felt like I was home in our apartment and we have been in it for a few years now. As soon as my daughter and I started working in our garden plot, pardon my cheesiness, but something more than plants began to grow. A new sense of home began to develop for me.

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