Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Massage

Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Massage

By Amy Baker

Stress and anxiety are inevitable parts of our lives. We all face tough times filled with worry and tension, and often we don't do much to address the root problems. Some of us turn to medication and healthcare professionals, but mental health issues can be persistent. That’s why it's crucial to explore all options, including the mental health benefits of regular massage.

Modern medicine has uncovered numerous benefits of regular massage, from reducing stress to helping with trauma recovery. So, let’s dive in and explore how regular massages can boost your mental health.

How Does Massage Affect Your Health?

The physical benefits of massage therapy are well-documented in modern medicine. Massage promotes circulation, boosts the immune system, and encourages healthy sleep patterns.

But what about the mental benefits?

People who get regular massages often feel deeply relaxed afterward, as if all their stress has melted away. Science supports this feeling. Studies have shown that massage can lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and increase dopamine and serotonin levels (the feel-good hormones). This can lead to:

  • Increased euphoria

  • Relaxation

  • Enhanced libido

  • Improved cognitive function

Serotonin, often called the "happiness hormone," helps fight symptoms of depression by naturally elevating mood.

WHat are examples of Mental health Conditions that Massage can Help?

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health challenges are common. Whether dealing with personal issues, trauma, or a demanding job, a proper massage can help relax both body and mind. Here are some conditions that regular massage can help with:

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is widespread and can stem from ongoing health issues, financial troubles, family problems, or work-related stress. Working tough shifts and handling daily challenges can take a huge toll on your mind. Unfortunately, workplace stigma often prevents people from seeking the help they need, exacerbating stress symptoms. Regular massage sessions can help you manage stress by promoting relaxation and building resilience.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a severe condition often requiring years of therapy and medication. Symptoms include difficulty sleeping, irritability, overwhelming guilt, and restlessness. Regular massages can be a complementary approach to traditional therapy, helping to alleviate hyperarousal symptoms and providing a sense of safety and relief.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

As previously mentioned, massages provide several important benefits, including improved cognitive function and increased focus for most patients. Individuals struggling with ADHD often find themselves experiencing a mix of both sides of the disease — the inattentive and the hyperactive presentation. Therefore, finding the right treatment plan is often difficult, considering that the symptoms come in waves where a person can be completely disengaged in one moment and completely hyperactive in the next.

Firstly, learning how to relax is the number one priority for the hyperactive stage. Massages activate the part of your brain that tells you to “rest, digest, and relax.” In other words, states of hyperactivity can be countered with massages to help you relax and let your mind rest.

When it comes to the inattentive, attention-deficit side of things, the increase in hormonal production will be enough to bring about happy thoughts and inspire motivation in most individuals to “engage.”

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD causes recurring thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Massage therapy can help manage OCD by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and providing a sense of happiness that can help focus on daily activities and reduce obsessive behaviors.

Reap the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Massage

Regular massages offer multi-functional benefits, from reducing daily stress and anxiety to improving sleep quality. By promoting relaxation and providing emotional and physical comfort, massage can significantly enhance the quality of life for those dealing with mental health challenges. Incorporating regular massage into your routine can be a powerful tool for managing mental health, fostering balance, and finding peace in daily life.

Book a session today, experience the mental health benefits of regular massage treatments, and let your mind thank you.