Posts tagged women's health
Embrace Your Period: Empowering Women’s Health- 5 Things You Should Know & 5 Things To Thing You Can Do To Help with Your Periods

Periods we hate them, we miss them, we dread them but they make us magic.

For thousands of years we, as women, have been told that our periods are impure, unclean, or some kinds of taint. Just as with most things that we don't understand they are met with fear and our wombs have been no different.

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Reevaluating Birth Control: Personal Reflections and Health Considerations

Obviously birth control is a huge topic and it can be discussed from many different angles. Today I really wanted to just pose a couple different questions. “Why am I using my particular method and how it is making me feel.” Which lends itself to, “Do I actually know how I feel without it.”

In my work with women’s heath I am seeing more and more young women who are exploring going off of birth control for the first time.

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Early puberty in girls- What are the risk factors & a TCM view

Recently a friend of my called me distressed because her 9 year old daughter was showing the signs of starting her period. Her mom was obviously concerned because 9 years old is very young to be starting your menstrual cycle and in addition there are studies showing that early puberty is linked to other health conditions later in life. She was further puzzled because her daughter isn’t exposed to or meet most of the risk factors that are often attributed to early menses in girls. She isn’t obese, she isn’t exposed to a lot of environmental toxins, she isn’t impoverished or malnourished, she has a nutritious, well balanced diet… what could it be?

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Interpreting your BBT Chart -What is it saying?

The BBT chart (basil body temperature chart) can be such a wonderful , interesting and insightful tool when it comes to a woman’s cycle and fertility. The real conundrum is why don’t women and health care providers use it more. One reason my simple be that many women don’t know how to chart their temperatures and then what to do with that information once we have it.

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