Recovering from addiction is a challenging journey, often accompanied by intense emotions like anxiety and depression. Traditional therapies, including counseling and medication, play a significant role, but many people find additional relief through complementary treatments in the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. With this in mind, let's explore the benefits of acupuncture for managing anxiety and depression in recovery.
Read MorePeriods we hate them, we miss them, we dread them but they make us magic.
For thousands of years we, as women, have been told that our periods are impure, unclean, or some kinds of taint. Just as with most things that we don't understand they are met with fear and our wombs have been no different.
Read MoreObviously birth control is a huge topic and it can be discussed from many different angles. Today I really wanted to just pose a couple different questions. “Why am I using my particular method and how it is making me feel.” Which lends itself to, “Do I actually know how I feel without it.”
In my work with women’s heath I am seeing more and more young women who are exploring going off of birth control for the first time.
Read MoreStarting a family is a monumental decision, transforming your life in countless ways. From the journey of trying to conceive, through the rollercoaster of pregnancy, to the exhilarating yet daunting experience of delivery, each stage is a whirlwind of decisions and emotions. It's overwhelming. However…
Read MoreMost simply put seed cycling is incorporating different types of seeds into your diet at different phases of your menstrual cycle to support hormone heath and cycle health. As many of us know food is medicine and in this case different seeds support different hormones and thus the different phases of our cycles.
Read MoreRecently a friend of my called me distressed because her 9 year old daughter was showing the signs of starting her period. Her mom was obviously concerned because 9 years old is very young to be starting your menstrual cycle and in addition there are studies showing that early puberty is linked to other health conditions later in life. She was further puzzled because her daughter isn’t exposed to or meet most of the risk factors that are often attributed to early menses in girls. She isn’t obese, she isn’t exposed to a lot of environmental toxins, she isn’t impoverished or malnourished, she has a nutritious, well balanced diet… what could it be?
Read MoreWomen’s bodies are amazing works of art and are capable of the most miraculous feats of strength and complexity. With that beauty comes the natural seasons of change that are most often looked at as burdens or diseases when they should be celebrated.
Read MoreThe BBT chart (basil body temperature chart) can be such a wonderful , interesting and insightful tool when it comes to a woman’s cycle and fertility. The real conundrum is why don’t women and health care providers use it more. One reason my simple be that many women don’t know how to chart their temperatures and then what to do with that information once we have it.
Read MoreTCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) including acupuncture is a whole system of medicine that includes body, mind and spirit. Because of this all encompassing point of view it can address a wide range of health concerns.
So I thought it might be fun to go through some top five- Top 5 best know things it can address, Top 5 lesser known and Top 5 possible surprises
Read MoreI am here to empower you to embrace your period, take charge of it and learn the truth about your period because they make us magic!
Read MoreWould you believe me when I tell you that your jaw and your pelvis are indeed connected and that your pelvic floor health and your TMJ could be contributing to one another or even the reason why one or the other may have developed.
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