Dosing acupuncture treatments-How many treatments will I need?
One of the most common question that comes up during treatment is, “How many treatments is this going to take?” Although everyone is different and every person’s situations, concerns, cases and lifestyles are different there are some general rule of thumb when considering the number of treatments that are recommended. You can think of this like medicine. We need the right dose, for you to take it at the right times and for the correct length of time to see the best results.
Acute or Chronic- The first thing we need to look at is how long has this been going on. Is this an acute condition that just began last week or is this something chronic that you have been dealing with for the past year or years. The longer something has been going on the longer it is going to take to resolve. Like unraveling a knotted ball of yarn, the bigger the ball and the more knots in the yarn, the more time it takes to untangle.
Frequency of visit- The second thing to consider is how often can you come in. Like with many things acupuncture has an accumulative effect, meaning that each treatment builds on the next one. So the more closely you can get your treatments that faster your progress will be. Though you will still see the benefits of acupuncture with treatment spaced further apart there is often lost progress that will with have to be made up. We are taking two steps forward and a one step back rather then two solid steps forward.
Commitment to getting better- The last component of determining how much acupuncture is needed is each persons commitment to getting better. Is there a willingness to stick with the treatment plan, or to take your herbs if needed, make lifestyle changes or alter your exercise routine? Because it is a partnership between you and your acupuncturist. You both must do your part in order to get the best results.
With these three things in minds a commonly recommend course of treatment is 4-6 visits for a more acute condition and 8-12 or possibly more visits for something that is chronic. It is important to remember that acupuncture can have subtle effects that build up over time and with consistency. Its foundation is in keeping us well. So with patients and dedication you can really achieve longer lasting and deep results with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices.