Spring is on the verge of popping and we are all getting that antsy feeling to get into the garden, wear less layers, eat lighter foods and picnic. So lets herald in the coming of spring with a spring time recipe share. Spring is associated with the wood element in Chinese five element theory and Liver is the organ of that element. So how can we support and balance the Liver?
Read MoreMany new moms wonder which medicines and herbs are safe to take while breastfeeding. It's well known that what a mother eats can end up in breast milk, so it's important to be cautious about medications and herbs.
Read MoreIt would seem that summer has finally arrived here in Colorado. The sun is finally shining more and our classic scorching heat is beginning to rear its head. With this summer heat in mind lets do a classic Chinese recipe for clearing summer heat. They feature the tiny unassuming Mung Bean!
Read MoreAre you familiar with Pu’er Tea? Pu’er tea is also called “black tea” in far east asian countries and what sets it apart with what most of us consider black tea here in the west is that it is a fermented tea.
Read MoreI wanted to do another recipe share. Its the first day of autumn and its time to start changing our diets so match the season. Todays recipe embraces the beauty of the autumn root veggies. This recipe comes from a wonderful book by Ellen Goldsmith and Maya Klein called Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine.
Read MoreMost of us are familiar with the term Glycemic index but I am not sure if as many are familiar with the term Glycemic load. I had never heard this term myself until I came across it in some reading I was doing about the microbiome. So I thought that it was time for some research and sharing.
Read MoreI don’t know about you but I often find myself getting bored with breakfast so I think I will share this recipe that I like to use as a breakfast alternative. Mushroom, Buckwheat, Egg Bowls.
Read MoreChen pi is in a category of herbs that regulate the Qi. This means that it helps to move energy more smoothly and in the correct direction overall but Chen pi can do this more specifically in our digestive systems as well.
Read MoreMost of us are already aware that the types of foods that we eat directly affect our health and the better we eat generally speaking the better we feel and the healthier we are able to stay. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM for short) food is also considered medicine, as it should be in all forms of medicine. Just like mentioned above food can not only harm our health, but it can also heal our bodies and support our health. So lets talk about how TCM views foods for the seasons and in this case fall, and what foods may be the most helpful for us now.
Read MoreLet’s start by talking about some of the things that magnesium helps with in the body. First off magnesium is a mineral and it is used in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some of the top functions that Magnesium supports are normal nerve and muscle function, immune support, steady heartbeat, and bone strength.It helps to adjust blood glucose levels and it can even help with PMS symptoms.
Read MoreMy friend and colleague Katherine Altneu, owner of The Point Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine, wrote a really nice little bog about the codes and sticker on fruits and veggies. I wanted to share it with you guys.
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