Unlocking the Healing Power of Moxibustion in Acupuncture
Unlocking the Healing Power of Moxibustion in Acupuncture
Many acupuncturists utilize various tools beyond acupuncture to enhance their clients' treatments and to get the most out of their appointments, including cupping, Gua Sha, and herbal medicine. In my practice, I frequently use a modality called moxibustion, or moxa, and I'm often asked about its benefits. This blog post aims to provide a detailed explanation of moxa and its uses.
What is Moxa?
Moxa is derived from the Mugwort plant (Artemisia vulgaris). The leaves are harvested, dried, and refined to produce a wool-like substance. The quality and effectiveness of moxa depend on its refinement and aging, with higher-quality moxa burning hotter and smelling better due to the concentration of the oils that are produced by the plant . Moxa generates far-infrared heat that penetrates deeply, stimulating energy and blood flow, relaxing muscles, adding heath and warmth to dilate vessels, and accelerate healing.
Benefits of Moxa
Moxa is excellent for treating sprains, strains, joint and muscle pains, trauma, arthritis, menstrual pain, and immune system support. Despite being a heat therapy, it can reduce inflammation by promoting blood flow and bringing fresh cells to the area, thus speeding up the healing process. Moxa also provides a soothing effect and an energy boost. It has the added benefit of being a healing modality that doesn’t use needles so it can be great for people with a fear of needles or children
How to Use Moxibustion
Moxa comes in several forms, each with its own application method:
Stick or Pole Moxa: A cigar-shaped stick is lit and hovered over the treatment area.
Cone Moxa: Small moxa cones on cardboard stickers direct heat into specific points.
Loose Moxa: Moxa balls are burned on a substrate like salt or ginger.
In my clinic, I really love to use these methods to achieve wonderful results for my clients. Moxibustion is a valuable tool in acupuncture, offering numerous health benefits and enhancing overall well-being.