Posts in Acupuncture blog
What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Help Me With?

TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) including acupuncture is a whole system of medicine that includes body, mind and spirit. Because of this all encompassing point of view it can address a wide range of health concerns.

So I thought it might be fun to go through some top five- Top 5 best know things it can address, Top 5 lesser known and Top 5 possible surprises

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Coming Down to Earth-The Science Behind Earthing & How it Can Help Improve Health

In my quest for calm and repair of my own nervous system I came across Earthing or grounding again. I had heard of this practice but hadn’t really dove into the science behind it. I mean it does sound a bit hokey, “ Earthing.” However, when you look past the name and learn a bit more about what’s happening it makes sense. At its heart Earthing is getting back to the most basic of basic principles-reconnecting to the energy of earth to balance your body. They way our human ancestors we always doing.

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Learning How to Relax. What is Sympathetic Overload?

Recently I have had the privilege of working with an increased number of people coming in with the diagnosis of “sympathetic overload.” And though Chinese medicine doesn’t often concern itself with a western medical diagnosis to treat a condition most people who come in with a problem are concerned with their diagnosis and what, as an acupuncturist, I can do to help them. So even though I know for a fact that acupuncture works on the nervous system I wasn’t super aware of this term sympathetic overload. So as with may of my blog post it starts as a need for information and then grows into a need to share information.

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Setting Healthy Boundaries Both Postpartum and in Life.

In my previous blog post I touched on setting boundaries when discussing emotional health, but I wanted to dive into it deeper because it is important for your health, your partner's health and babies health. The amount of change that is coming to your world is huge and one of the best ways to ease into that is setting up some boundaries. This will allow for bonding with baby, self care for momma and direction for papa or partner on how to be helpful and involved. Boundaries will also help your friends and loved ones understand where they can help and when it may be too much. You may be wondering how will I know what my limits are?

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Emotional Health & Postpartum Changes

Over the next few posts we will be talking about emotional health and strategies to keep in touch with our mental health. Todays topic is emotional health and changes postpartum.

This is a big topic and one that I want to spend some time with. Pregnancy and birth require so much of us physically and mentally and both aspects require attention and both are equally important. I want to emphasize how valid and important it is to meet your emotional needs during this postpartum period.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine View On Foods For Fall

Most of us are already aware that the types of foods that we eat directly affect our health and the better we eat generally speaking the better we feel and the healthier we are able to stay. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM for short) food is also considered medicine, as it should be in all forms of medicine. Just like mentioned above food can not only harm our health, but it can also heal our bodies and support our health. So lets talk about how TCM views foods for the seasons and in this case fall, and what foods may be the most helpful for us now.

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Unlocking the Healing Power of Moxibustion in Acupuncture

Moxa is really wonderful to use in the treatment of sprains, strains, joint and muscle pains, traumas, arthritis, menstrual pain and can even help to support the immune system. It also may seem contradictory but despite it being a type of heat therapy it can be very helpful and even reduce inflammation in these injuries. By stimulating the flow of blood and fluids through the area and by bringing in fresh repairing cells the inflammation is often reduced and healing is sped up

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What your tongue is saying when you aren't even talking

You head into your acupuncture appointment, you are excited, optimistic, a little nervous and wondering what to expect. Your acupuncturist has you sit down and asks you a bunch of questions, explains a few things and then has you get comfortable on the table. They check you pulse and then they as you to stick your tongue out at them! You want me to do what?! That is right.....stick out your tongue please! Why would they want to do that?

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Concussion Recovery

Did you know acupuncture can help you with your concussion recovery?
Merriam Webster defines concussion as: a stunning, damaging, or shattering effect from a hard blow; especially: a jarring injury of the brain resulting in disturbance of cerebral function.

Acupuncture is wonderful for improving circulation on a micro and macro level and with the improved blood flow comes oxygen, nutrients, and healing. Acupuncture can also help reduce inflammation and calm the nervous system.

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Liver, Laugh, Love

Do you have a case of the grumpies? Do you have trouble with irritability and frustration? For all you men out there do you struggle with erectile dysfunction or libido problems? Ladies do you have menstrual problems or are struggling with menopause?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions or even a few of these questions it may be the result of what I like to call a grumpy liver. In traditional Chinese medicine these all can be signs of an imbalance in the energetics of your liver system.

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What spring means for your health!

I don’t know about you but I have been long awaiting its arrival. Back in January I began my garden dreaming pretty hardcore and haven’t let up since. What am I going to plant? Where am I going to plant it this year? How will I keep the dog out of the plants? How will I amend the soil this year? Do I need a new shovel? I could keep you here forever, but along with those daydreams of the spring to come also came thoughts of what spring means to Traditional Chinese Medicine and what that may mean for my clients and their health.

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Acupressure for ADD/ADHD Management

I wanted to ask if you or someone you know struggles with ADD or ADHD? In my work with veterans I have found that many of them struggle with one of these conditions but, they also struggle with the idea that they are bound to medications to manage their symptoms. So while working with them using acupuncture I made a little take home sheet of acupressure points that c

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Yuck! Why Does My Acupuncturist Keep Asking Me to Drink Warm Water?

Have you ever found yourself sitting in front of your acupuncturist and they look at you and say, “You need to stop drinking ice cold drinks and go move toward drinking room temperature or hot drinks.” Did you reply, “Yuck, why would I do that. Drinking warm water is gross. What if its 90 degrees outside?”

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Magnesium- Why it is important

Let’s start by talking about  some of the things that magnesium helps with in the body. First off magnesium is a mineral and it is used in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some of the top functions that Magnesium supports are normal nerve and muscle function, immune support, steady heartbeat, and bone strength.It helps to adjust blood glucose levels and it can even help with PMS symptoms. 

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Recipes for Dry Cough and Throat

I don't know about you but this winter has been super dry and causing me some grief. Not only have I had skin so dry and itchy that you could sand wood with it but also with a dry cough that sorta weasels its way into our house and meanders in and out in and out at all hours.

So to battle the dryness I decided to dig out one of my cook books. Cook book? How is a cookbook going to fight the dryness? Because my dears food is medicine!

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