Many new moms wonder which medicines and herbs are safe to take while breastfeeding. It's well known that what a mother eats can end up in breast milk, so it's important to be cautious about medications and herbs.
Read MoreBursting with antioxidants and essential vitamins, this all-natural remedy is a powerhouse of wellness for individuals of all ages. Known for centuries as the "medicine chest of the common people," elderberries have been cherished for their immune-boosting abilities and antiviral benefits.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why acupuncturist take your pulse on both sides? Or why it feels like they are playing a mini piano on your wrist when they are feel your pulse? It is because the pulse in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other East Asian practices is so much more then just rate and strength. It is a direct line of communication between what the Qi (energy) of your body is doing and how well it is traveling through your system.
Read MoreEvery woman ( and possibly man) is looking for the proverbial fountain of youth. After treating hundreds of women battling acne, wrinkles, and aging for years, we've come to realize there is no magic pill for skincare that will heal your skin overnight. Skincare is all about consistency.
We can't stress enough the importance of a skincare routine. Give your face some TLC daily, and your skin will thank you for years to come.
Skincare routines do not need to be complicated. In fact, the easier, the better.
Read MoreI know that miscarriage is a very emotionally charged subject but this post is meant to give a little hope because many of the common causes are things that you can improve or prevent.
Read MoreIn our modern society, clean living is a trend that is gaining momentum, and for good reason. People are becoming more aware of the harmful substances that permeate their daily routines and are seeking healthier alternatives. This growing consciousness extends to the realm of skincare, with an increasing number of individuals opting for clean skincare products. But what exactly is clean skincare, and why should you make the switch?
Read MoreI am pleased to be sharing a great fertility program with all you out there wanting to start families. It is called Becoming Mama.
A fun, effective, 10 day online program to boost your fertility with proven, natural, evidence-based strategies, all in one place, from the comfort of your home. Developed and presented by Katie Altneu licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and fertility expert.
Read MoreIt would seem that summer has finally arrived here in Colorado. The sun is finally shining more and our classic scorching heat is beginning to rear its head. With this summer heat in mind lets do a classic Chinese recipe for clearing summer heat. They feature the tiny unassuming Mung Bean!
Read MoreAre you familiar with Pu’er Tea? Pu’er tea is also called “black tea” in far east asian countries and what sets it apart with what most of us consider black tea here in the west is that it is a fermented tea.
Read MoreHave you heard an acu-nap?
An acu-nap is the extra deep sleep you get in a short period of time during your acupuncture treatment.
Read MoreTime for a recipe share from Real Mushrooms. This post they will be sharing two golden milk recipes that use different mushrooms to enhance each. Once recipes is for the morning and one for the evening. Have a read and see what you think.
Read MoreI wanted to talk about something that I think a lot of people forget or don’t even know about acupuncture, and that is how GREAT it is for keeping you well! Did you know that at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine is prevention?
“Maintaining order rather then correcting disorder is the ultimate principle of wisdom. To cure disease after it has appeared is like digging a well when one already feels thirsty, or forging weapons after the war has begun.” Nie Jing-2nd Century B.C.
Read MoreHow many acupuncture treatments do you need?
This is such a great question and one that gets asked a lot. There really is not cut and dry answer to this question but there is a general formula that we can follow.
Read MoreSo I am excited to announce that I have discovered the vaginal steam and now you have too!!
So ladies what is a vaginal steam? It is only the best thing to happen to the vagina since....well you can fill in the blank.
Read MoreReishi mushroom is known as Ling Zhi in Chinese medicine and is considered one of the powerhouses of the mushroom world.
The scientific name for Reishi is Ganoderma Lingzhi and contains many beneficial chemical constituents that in western medicine lends themselves to supporting heart, micro biome, Adrenals, and immune systems.
Read MoreChinese medical saying, “Where there’s stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the stagnation, and you remove the pain.” In this case stagnation means “stuck” QI, blood, lymph, phlegm or essential fluids. When any of these substances is no longer free flowing the result is pain. So first and foremost the goal of cupping is to help remove this stagnation or obstruction.
Read MoreLet's talk about probiotics vs prebiotic. How are they different and is one more important than the other?
Let's start with prebiotics. I feel as though prebiotics are probably the lesser known of the two. Probiotics have been talked a lot about in the media and probably by even mentioned by your doctor but prebiotics are just as important.
Read MoreDo you love a good soup? I LOVE a good soup especially in the winter time. I also love me a beautiful winter squash, they are so beautiful. So this recipe is a perfect marriage of the two. This recipe is another one from one of my favorite books Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine by Ellen Goldsmith and Maya Klein. This book is wonderful and if you don’t have it you should get it.
Read MoreWhat exactly is ear acupuncture and what the heck is it good for?
The body never ceases to amaze and every day we continue to discover this in more and more detail. We also continue to reaffirm that the whole body is connected. We also confirming that in order to have the best healing outcomes we need to address the whole and not just the parts.
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