How many acupuncture treatments do you need?
This is such a great question and one that gets asked a lot. There really is not cut and dry answer to this question but there is a general formula that we can follow.
Read MoreThis is such a great question and one that gets asked a lot. There really is not cut and dry answer to this question but there is a general formula that we can follow.
Read MoreSo I am excited to announce that I have discovered the vaginal steam and now you have too!!
So ladies what is a vaginal steam? It is only the best thing to happen to the vagina since....well you can fill in the blank.
Read MoreChinese medical saying, “Where there’s stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the stagnation, and you remove the pain.” In this case stagnation means “stuck” QI, blood, lymph, phlegm or essential fluids. When any of these substances is no longer free flowing the result is pain. So first and foremost the goal of cupping is to help remove this stagnation or obstruction.
Read MoreWhat exactly is ear acupuncture and what the heck is it good for?
The body never ceases to amaze and every day we continue to discover this in more and more detail. We also continue to reaffirm that the whole body is connected. We also confirming that in order to have the best healing outcomes we need to address the whole and not just the parts.
Read MoreMost simply put seed cycling is incorporating different types of seeds into your diet at different phases of your menstrual cycle to support hormone heath and cycle health. As many of us know food is medicine and in this case different seeds support different hormones and thus the different phases of our cycles.
Read MoreDoctors diagnose one in four U.S. women during their lives with a pelvic floor disorder. If you’re not sure what or where the pelvic floor is, it’s a remarkable set of muscles and tissue that form a sling or “hammock” around the pelvic floor. It protects the pelvic organs, including the bladder, small bowel, and rectum. It also supports the uterus and vagina in women and the prostate in men. The pelvic floor helps with important functions such as urinating and defecating, sexual intercourse, and childbirth. Keep reading to learn more about the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor. Then find out which problems can develop when they’re too tight or weak, and discover how to prevent or treat them.
Read MoreI don’t know about you but I often find myself getting bored with breakfast so I think I will share this recipe that I like to use as a breakfast alternative. Mushroom, Buckwheat, Egg Bowls.
Read MoreChen pi is in a category of herbs that regulate the Qi. This means that it helps to move energy more smoothly and in the correct direction overall but Chen pi can do this more specifically in our digestive systems as well.
Read MoreWomen’s bodies are amazing works of art and are capable of the most miraculous feats of strength and complexity. With that beauty comes the natural seasons of change that are most often looked at as burdens or diseases when they should be celebrated.
Read MoreOne of the most common question that comes up during treatment is, “How many treatments is this going to take?” Although everyone is different and every person’s situations, concerns, cases and lifestyles are different there are some general rule of thumb when considering the number of treatments that are recommended. You can think of this like medicine. We need the right dose, for you to take it at the right times and for the correct length of time to see the best results.
Read MoreThe BBT chart (basil body temperature chart) can be such a wonderful , interesting and insightful tool when it comes to a woman’s cycle and fertility. The real conundrum is why don’t women and health care providers use it more. One reason my simple be that many women don’t know how to chart their temperatures and then what to do with that information once we have it.
Read MoreHi all! I wanted to do a recipe share as a follow up to the three part sleep blog series. If you haven’t read it yet click the link and take a read to part 3 at least. I just wanted to do a quick share of a recipe that I often recommend to my clients who are having difficulty with with sleep
Read MoreI recently had a really wonderful discussion with one of my clients about his progress and transformation since he has started acupuncture. He shared with me about how a huge piece of his progress has been a very positive and subtle change in his mental health.
Read MoreThe western medical views of insomnia and sleep difficulty is very different from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Western medicine pretty much has two avenues eliminate a physical reason and then its usually labeled as stress, anxiety or depression and is treated with sleeping pills and antidepressants. TCM it is much more then that and the reasons aren’t categorized that easily because each person is unique and individual.
Read MoreI think it is safe to say that we are all a little interested in looking younger and feeling our best. One of the first signs of aging is our skin. We start to notice those little fine lines, some wrinkles here and there, the texture and luster of our skin may change. But what can we do to slow the hands of time? We can change our diets, drink more water and adopt skin care routines, all of which are very important for taking care of bodies largest organ, but what are our options for treating those areas that have already shown up?
Read MorePart II in our three part series on insomnia and how it is viewed in both western and eastern medicine and how it is treated. This post looks at how western medicine approaches sleep difficulty outside of medication.
Read MoreSleep is a topic that hits close to home for me. I have struggled with insomnia and sleep issues for many many years. I know I am not alone either. Thousands and thousands of people have complaints about sleep. It may be difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, sleep quality or quantity.
Read MoreTCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) including acupuncture is a whole system of medicine that includes body, mind and spirit. Because of this all encompassing point of view it can address a wide range of health concerns.
So I thought it might be fun to go through some top five- Top 5 best know things it can address, Top 5 lesser known and Top 5 possible surprises
Read MoreIn my quest for calm and repair of my own nervous system I came across Earthing or grounding again. I had heard of this practice but hadn’t really dove into the science behind it. I mean it does sound a bit hokey, “ Earthing.” However, when you look past the name and learn a bit more about what’s happening it makes sense. At its heart Earthing is getting back to the most basic of basic principles-reconnecting to the energy of earth to balance your body. They way our human ancestors we always doing.
Read MoreRecently I have had the privilege of working with an increased number of people coming in with the diagnosis of “sympathetic overload.” And though Chinese medicine doesn’t often concern itself with a western medical diagnosis to treat a condition most people who come in with a problem are concerned with their diagnosis and what, as an acupuncturist, I can do to help them. So even though I know for a fact that acupuncture works on the nervous system I wasn’t super aware of this term sympathetic overload. So as with may of my blog post it starts as a need for information and then grows into a need to share information.
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